Most television channels carry “teletext,” pages of written
information that provide information such as:
◆ Television programme times
◆ News bulletins
◆ Weather forecasts
◆ Sports results
◆ Subtitles for the hard of hearing
The teletext pages are organized according to six categories:
Part Contents
A Selected page number.
B Broadcasting station identity.
C Current page number or search status
D Date and time.
E Text.
F Status information.
You can display teletext information at any time, but signal
reception must be good. Otherwise:
Information may be missing
Some pages may not be displayed
To activate the teletext mode and display the contents page:
1 Using the or button, select the channel providing the
teletext service.
2 Press the TTX/MIX () button to activate the teletext mode.
Result: The contents page (page 100) is displayed. It can be
redisplayed at any time by pressing the (index)
3 To display the actual broadcast simultaneously with the teletext
page, press the TTX/MIX () button.
4 To return to normal viewing press the TV ()button.
Teletext Decoder
Displaying Teletext Information