D Glossary
Acknowledge Reply
A message about printer information or exceptions that
the printer sends to the host. It can be a positive or
negative reply. ([N]ACK can contain status resource or
counter information.)
bar code A printed code consisting of parallel bars of varied width
and spacing and designed to be read by a one-
dimensional scanning device.
bar code block It is a rectangular space that has a specified size,
position, and orientation on a logical page. It is the area
into which the bar code presentation space is mapped.
bar code presentation space
It is a rectangular, conceptual space where a bar code is
generated. The entire bar code presentation space must
be mapped to the bar code block.
bold A print attribute specifying text of a heavy line thickness.
See also
character weight.
buffer A reserved area in memory that data is written to and
read from during data transfers.
character set A protocol instructing the printer how to construct a set of
printable characters, including symbols, punctuation,
numbers, diacritical markings, and alphabet characters.
Each character is assigned a unique address in memory.
character weight The degree of lightness and thickness of printed text. For
example: “Bold” refers to a heavy or thick character
weight. “Medium,” “normal,” or “book weight” refer to the
character weight used in this sentence.
control sequence A series of bytes that instruct the printer to perform a
specific function.
correlation ID (CID)
Identifies a specific command/data transmission from the
host. This two-byte value is used to match any
exceptions (errors or conditions specified in an
Acknowledge Reply) with the IPDS command.
Abbrev. for
characters per inch. A measurement of
monospaced fonts indicating the horizontal character
density. For example, 10 cpi means 10 characters can be
printed in one horizontal inch.