Specification Check-Graphics — X'03'
Explanation: The Set Current Defaults instruction sets an invalid or
unsupported default for an attribute.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: The specific character angle requested is not supported.
Alternate Exception Action: Use the closest angle supported by the printer.
Explanation: An End Prologue was found outside the prologue section of a
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: An End Area order has been executed without a Begin Area
order having previously been executed.
Alternate Exception Action: None
Explanation: Begin Area order received while Begin Area is already in
Alternate Exception Action: None.
Explanation: A Begin Area order has been executed in a segment, and the
end of the segment is reached without an End Area order being executed.
Area fill implementation results are printer dependent.
Alternate Exception Action: None.
X'030021' Invalid Default
X'033400' Character Angle Value Not Supported
X'033E00' Invalid End Prologue
X'036000' Area Bracket Error
X'036800' Begin Area Received Incorrectly
X'036801' Area Truncation Error