Chapter 2 The IPDS Emulation
026802 Invalid or unsupported value for Logical Page Descriptor inline-sequence
026902 Invalid baseline-sequence direction in the LPD command
026A01 Insufficient source image data
026A02 Invalid or unsupported value for Logical Page Descriptor initial 1 print
026B01 Excess source image data received
026B02 Invalid or unsupported value for Logical Page Descriptor initial B print
027002 Invalid or unsupported value for XOH Set Media Size units per unit base
027202 Invalid or unsupported value for XOH Set Media Size X
027302 Invalid or unsupported value for XOH Set Media Size Y
027402 Invalid or unsupported value for XOH Set Media Size unit base
028101 Insufficient storage for a page segment or overlay
028501 Invalid or unsupported value for Delete Overlay command overlay ID
028A01 Invalid or unsupported value for Delete Page Segment command page
segment Host-Assigned ID
029001 Invalid or unsupported overlay ID
029101 BO overlay ID already loaded
029102 Invalid or unsupported value for XOA Request Resource List entry
029201 Overlay ID not loaded
029202 Invalid XOA Print-Quality Control (PQC) parameter
029301 Recursive overlay invocation
029401 Invalid or unsupported value for page segment Host-Assigned ID
029501 Page segment Host-Assigned ID already loaded
029601 Page segment Host-Assigned ID not loaded
029701 Overlay nesting limit exceeded
029801 Invalid or unsupported suppression number
029803 Invalid or unsupported value for Temporary Baseline Move control sequence
02A401 Page boundary in the X-direction cannot be represented in the printer
02A501 Page boundary in the Y-direction cannot be represented in the printer
Table 12. Exceptions: Specification Check - General (continued)
Exception ID Condition