Type Edge–perforated, fanfold, 3 to 16” wide
Thickness Single–part – 15 to 100 lb. stock
Multi–part – 1– to 6–part forms
Sheet Thickness
0.025” maximum
Drive Adjustable tractors (6–pin engagement)
Slew Rate
8” per second maximum
On Backing
One–part continuous perforated fanfold back form.
Labels must be placed at least 1/6 inch from the
fanfold perforation. Backing adhesive must not be
squeezed out during printing.
Sheet Size 3 to 16” wide, including the two standard
perforated tractor feed strips. A maximum sheet size
of 12” between top and bottom perforations.
Thickness Not to exceed 0.025” (including backing sheet)
Forms Control
Skip–Over Perforation 1, 1/2, 2/3, 5/6 inch; Control Panel Selectable
Vertical Format Units (VFU) IBM Serial Matrix Vertical Tabs
Programmable P–Series EVFU
Dataproducts compatible direct access DVFU
Standard Printronix P/N 107463
Carbon Black
P/N 108506 OCR
Fabric Nylon, 1 inch x 60 yards
Metal reverses on each end
NOTE: Use only ribbons that meet the stated specifications.