P3000 Series Multinational printers provide the following standard features:
• P–Series and Serial Matrix emulation protocols
• P–Series Plot and Bit Image compatible graphics
• By–Character attributes:
Selectable pitch
⋅ Bold print
⋅ Emphasized (shadow) print
⋅ Expanded (double wide) print
⋅ Elongated (double high) print
⋅ Automatic underline and overscore
⋅ Superscript/subscript print
• Selectable forms length
• Electronic vertical formatting
⋅ Standard Printronix Electronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU)
Direct Access V
ertical Format Unit (DVFU)
⋅ Serial Matrix compatible vertical formatting
Resident multinational character sets, including OCR–A and OCR–B
• Selectable 13.2” or 13.6” print widths
Built–in diagnostic self–tests
• Configuration printout
• Data stream hex code printout
Resident serial and parallel interfaces
Downloadable international languages
Two separate graphics capabilities are included in the printer: standard P–Series odd–even dot Plot
Mode graphics and Bit Image graphics standard on Printronix MVP 150B printers and many serial
matrix printers. Intelligent graphics capabilities are available by using the Printronix Intelligent
Graphics Processor (IGP) options.
Serial Matrix compatibility extends printer versatility, enabling it to be used with a wide variety of
software. Y
ou may select industry standard
P–Series or Serial Matrix
bility (similar to the IBM Graphic Printer) from the control panel.
programmable V
ertical Format Unit provides rapid
paper advance to specified lines for printing
and continuous forms. When P–Series compatible protocol is used,
you can select either the
P–Series compatible EVFU or Dataproducts compatible DVFU. Serial Matrix compatible vertical
formatting is used in Serial Matrix protocol.
languages can be selected and downloaded. International languages can be added to
character library and are accessible in P–Series and Serial Matrix printer protocol.