Content Security Gateway User’s Manual
Pull down the menu and select Destination IP to show the inbound destination IP accounting report.
When WAN host connect to LAN through CS-500, all of the Downstream/Upstream/First Packet/Last
Packet/Duration log of the Destination IP will be recorded.
Top: Select the data type you want to check. It presents 10 results in one page.
Destination IP: The IP address used by LAN host.
Downstream: The percentage of Downstream and the statistic value of the connection from WAN host
to LAN host via CS-500.
Upstream: The percentage of Upstream and the statistic value of the connection from LAN host to WAN
host via CS-500.
First Packet: The time record of the first packet that was sent from LAN host to WAN host.
Last Packet: The time record of the last packet that sent from LAN host to WAN host.
Duration: The time statistic record that started from the first packet and end to the last packet.
Total Traffic: CS-500 will record the sum of upstream/downstream packets from LAN host to WAN host.
Inbound Service Accounting Report
Pull down the menu and select Service to show the inbound service accounting report.
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