For Procomm:
Start the Procomm Program.
Press ALT + P (Select the appropriate communication parameters: Baud Rate, Parity, Data
Bits, Stop Bits.) The default settings may require modifications.
- Factory Default communication settings are as follows:
Baud Rate = 9600
Parity = Odd
Data Bits = 7
Stop Bits = 1
Press ALT + S (To save current communication settings)
Press ALT + O (To go to chat mode)
If the communication port selected is available and the communication parameters of both
the computer and the DRX are matched, then a serial link may be established. To check the
communication any of the commands may be tried i.e. *01X01 would return the current
measured signal value.
For Hyper T
erminal (Windows 95):
Start the Hyper Terminal Program from programs/accessories.
Click on the Properties from the File menu.
Under the Phone Number Menu choose:
Connect using “Direct to COM1 or COM2” whichever that’s available.
Click on Configure Button.
Choose: Baud rate, Data bits, Parity and Stop bits
According to DRX’s settings.
Flow Control = None.
Click “OK” Button.
- Factory Default communication settings are as follows:
Baud Rate = 9600
Parity = Odd
Data Bits = 7
Stop Bits = 1
Under Settings Menu:
Click ASCII Setup Button.
Choose all options except “Force Incoming Data to 7 Bits ASCII”.
Click “OK” Button.
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