There is an extra internal 4 position DIP switch in PP7000-
II for more technical settings. To access these setup, please first
turn off the printer power and disconnect every cable from the
printer. Remove 4 screws from bottom of printer and remove the
plastic bottom cover with the power switch pressed. The 4
position DIP switch seats beside the 8 position DIP switch for
setup window with the switch position counting starts from the
nearest side to the 8 position DIP switch.
This 4 position DIP switch works as following:
Switch position Setting Effect
Function ON OFF
Print speed 42.5 lines / sec 28.3 lines / sec
Paper width 58 mm 80 mm
Line format 576 dots / line 512 dots / line
Reserved N. A. N. A.
For switch position 1, when it is set to ON, the printer runs
in high speed mode. This is the default setting as the printer is
delivered. However, depending on the print content (f.i. the
printer is used for printing bar codes that have to be dark enough),
it could be wiser to set the printer to work in power saving mode
by changing the switch to OFF. The printer could run smoother
and in effect faster due to elimination of motor brake application.
Switch position 2 is usually set to OFF for use with 80 mm
paper width. When the printer is installed with the 58 mm paper
guide adaptor for use with the paper roll of 58 mm width, the
switch should be set to ON in PP7000-II.
Switch position 3 is usually set to OFF for ESC/POS
command application that prints at 512 dots / line. Only technical
users shall set this switch to ON and make the printer work in the
576 dots / line format.
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