Operating the dishwasher
Adding detergent
Use only powdered detergents or
formulated for residential
dishwashers. Do not use gels or
liquid detergents.
^ Press the latch on the detergent dis-
penser. The cover will spring open.
Fill the dispenser with 1 ½ table
spoons (25 ml) of powder detergent,
or place a detergent tablet into com
partment II.
Close the cover. The cover will al
ways be open at the end of a wash
program (except “Rinse & Hold”).
Generally, filling the dispenser with
1 ½ tablespoons (25 ml) of detergent is
enough for a thorough cleaning. If
dishes are extra dirty, or if food has
dried on the dishes, a program contain
ing a prewash cycle should be se
lected. Add an extra tablespoon
(15 ml) of detergent to compartment I
in the center of the dispenser, or place
directly on the inner door panel.
Dishwasher detergents contain irri-
tant and corrosive ingredients. They
can cause burns in the mouth and
throat if swallowed, or inhibit breath-
ing. Keep children away from deter-
gent and from the dishwasher when
the door is open.
To prevent children from coming into
contact with dishwasher detergent,
do not fill the detergent dispenser
until you are ready to run the dish
Compartment I (prewash) holds a maxi
mum of 3/4 ounce (20 ml) and Com
partment II (main wash) holds a maxi
mum of 2 3/4 ounces (70 ml) when
completely filled. The horizontal marks
in Compartment II indicate levels of ap
proximately 3/4, 1, and 1 1/4 ounces
(20, 25 and 30 ml) respectively.
Operating the dishwasher