Chapter 3: Setting up the Wireless-G Music Bridge
Starting the Setup Wizard
Wireless-G Music Bridge
PSK Needed for Connection
Encryption - Select the type of algorithm you want to use, TKIP or AES, from the Encryption drop-down
Passphrase - Enter a Passphrase, also called a pre-shared key, of 8-63 characters in the Passphrase field. .
Then, click Connect and proceed to the Congratulations screen. To cancel the connection, click Cancel.
2. The Install the Utility screen will appear if the Utility is not installed on your PC. The Utility must be installed on
your PC for the Wireless-G Music Bridge to work correctly on your network.
Click Next to install the Utility. Click Skip if you want to install the Utility later.
3. After the Bridge has been configured for the network, the Congratulations screen will appear. Click Exit.
Congratulations! Setup is complete.
Figure 3-12: PSK Needed for Connection
Figure 3-14: Congratulations
Figure 3-13: Install the Utility