Clone 100% (– +) fits multiple copies of your original on the same sheet.
You can make wallet-size copies of small pictures, or you can reduce
larger pictures to print multiple copies to a page.
To create copies of a wallet-size photo:
Press Reduce/Enlarge until Clone appears, and then press
Press the Copy button.
To create wallet-size copies from a 4”x6” photo:
Place the short side of the photo against the green strip next to
the white arrow.
Press the Reduce/Enlarge button until Clone appears, then
press Select/Resume.
Press minus (-) until the percentage next to Clone reads 55%.
Press the Copy button.
To create wallet-sized copies from a larger photo, reduce the percentage.
Mirror 100% (– +) reverses the image of your original and makes a copy
based on the percentage you specify.
You can use Mirror to copy favorite photos or images onto HP Iron-On
T-Shirt Transfers, and then iron the transfer sheets to make custom
T-shirts, banners, and flags.
When you use the paper type button to select Iron On, the HP PSC 500 automatically
selects Mirror as the Reduce/Enlarge setting. However, you can press the
button to select another choice.
Smart Di
ital Co
Before After
enlarges any size
photo to full page