Beyond the Basics
OUT tray down
Paper width guide
Photo Tray
IN tray pulled out
OUT tray up
Photo Tray Button
Single envelope slot
Paper length guide
IN tray pushed in
I want to print… I should…
1 Tear off the number of sheets (up to 20) you need.
2 Tear off and discard the perforated strips, if any.
3 Slide out the paper guides, and remove all paper from
the IN tray.
4 Raise the OUT tray and leave it in the up position to
print your banners.
5 Put the banner paper in the IN tray so that the
unattached edge of the banner paper stack is toward
the printer.
6 Slide the paper guides snugly against the sheets.
7 Make sure the IN tray is pushed in.
8 Check Banner Printing in the Setup tab and choose
the appropriate paper type and size.
9 Print the banner.
1 Load paper in the IN tray.
2 Slide the paper guides snugly against the sheets.
3 Make sure the IN tray is pushed in.
4 Choose the print settings that match the type and size
of your poster.
5 Print your poster.