LEDs classification
EMI Statement (Korea)
Regulatory model number
For regulatory identification purposes, your product is assigned a Regulatory Model Number.
The Regulatory Model Number for your product is SNPRC-0305. The regulatory number
should not be confused with the product name (such as HP Deskjet 1280) or product number
(such as C8136A).
Environmental sustainability program
Hewlett-Packard is committed to providing quality products in an environmentally sound
manner. HP continuously improves the design processes of its products to minimize the
negative impact on the office environment and on the communities where products are
manufactured, shipped, and used. HP has also developed processes to minimize the negative
impact of the disposal of the product at the end of its printing life.
For more information about the HP environmental sustainability program, see
Reduction and elimination
Paper use
The two-sided (duplex) printing and N-up printing features of this product (which you can use
to print multiple pages of a document on one sheet of paper) can reduce paper usage and the
resulting demands on natural resources. See this guide for more information about using
these features.