Th e wat er soften er must be s et m anu ally, using the w ater hard ness dia l.
Th e wat er so ftener is design ed to rem ove mi nerals an d sa lts f rom t he w ater, wh ich woul d h ave
a detrim enta l or adverse effe ct on the ope ration of the app li ance.
Th e higher t he content o f t hese miner als and sal ts, the har der your w ater is .
Th e softener sho uld be a djus ted accordin g to the ha rd ness of t he wa te r in you r area. Your lo cal Water A uthor it y
can advise you on the hardness of the water in your area.
Adjusting Salt Consumption
The dishwas her is de signed t o all ow for a djus tment in the amo unt of sa lt co nsumed bas ed o n t he ha rd ness of
the water used. This is intended to optimise and customise the level o f salt consumption.
1. O pen th e d oor , Sw itch on t he a ppl ia nce;
2. P ress t he Progr am butto n for m ore t han 5 s econds t o start the wat er sof tener
s et mod el wit hin 60sec onds afte r t he a pplia nce was sw itched on( The S alt a nd
Rinse aid war ning lights will be on periodically when it g et in the set model );
3. P ress t he Progr am butto n to select t he proper s et accor ding to y our loca l envi ron men t,
th e s ets w ill chang e in the f ollo wing sequence: H 1->H2->H3 ->H4->H5 -> H6;
4. P ress the Pow er b utton t o e nd the se t u p model .
Th e h ardness o f t he wa ter v arie s from place t o plac e. If hard water is us ed i n the dis hwa sher, de posits w ill
form on th e dish es and uten sils .
Th e a pplian ce i s equipp ed with a sp ecial soften er that u ses a salt c onta iner specific ally des igned to elimi nate
lime an d m inera ls fr om the wate r.
Contact your l ocal water bo ard for i nformation on the hardne ss of your w ater su pply.
Please follow the steps below for adjustment in salt consumption.
If your m odel does n ot have a ny w ater softener, you may s kip this section.
Clark: British degree
fH: F rench degree
DH : Ge rman de g ree
dH=1.25 Clarke=1.78 fH=0.178mmol/l
The manufa ctory set ting : H4 (E N 50242)
Be fo re u sing you r di shwa sher for th e first time :
A. Se t th e water softener
B. Add 1. 5Kg d ishwasher salt and th en full fill the salt c ontain er w ith w ater
C. Filltherinseaiddispenser
D. Fill in det e rgent
0~90~5 0~0.94
H1( Rapid )
1.0-2 .0
H2(1Hour) 9
21-3012-17 2.1-3.0
H3(1H our Rap id)、
Clar ke
Selector Position
Salt consu mption
1 8-22 3 1-40 22-28 3.1 -4 .0
41-6023-34 4.1-6.0
H5(Glass Rapid)、
H6(Glass 1Hour)、
3 5-55 6 1-98 43-69 6.1 -9 .8