ServerView Event Manager 7
1 Introduction
The ServerView Event Manager (called simply Event Manager below) is a
component of the Event Management of the ServerView Suite. After installation,
this component is available both via the Windows Start Menu and via
ServerView Operations Manager (called simply Operations Manager below).
The Event Manager function has a user-friendly Web-based graphical user
interface (GUI) where you can obtain reliable, secure information about system
faults quickly.
You can define the results and operating states about which you want to receive
alarm messages. The availability of a server in a network is a critical factor and
it therefore makes sense to configure the Event Manager so that you are
informed about all the operating states that could endanger server availability.
On blade systems, the Event Manager can receive and display alarm messages
from the blade system itself and also from individual server blades. Alarms are
assigned to the entire blade system by default. This setting can be changed in
the configuration.
The Event Manager works like this. An agent sends an alarm (trap) over the
SNMP to the Event Manager informing the management station that an
unexpected event has occurred. An unexpected event can be an error report or
a status change caused by tripping of a threshold value.
Traps are assigned the severity levels: critical, major, minor and informational.
Different actions, triggered by traps, can be assigned to each severity level and
to each server. Events at the alarm severity level critical are always recorded in
the alarm log of the log file.
I When you are installing the agents you can also specify that alarm
messages are to be sent to the Windows event log.