ServerView Event Manager 27
Testing the connection
3.5 Testing the connection
To test the connection to a specific server, you can send a trap. Proceed as
Ê Select Test Trap from the context menu.
The Test Trap window opens:
Ê Either select the server from the list under Serverlist,
Ê Enter the IP address of the server. If you wish you can specify the server
Ê Either accept the default values for Community and Timeout or enter the
relevant values in these fields.
Ê To test the connection, click the Test trap button.
A window informs you of the connection status. To close this window, click the
Close button.
I Note for Linux
If you perform a connection test for the local host (,
the test trap times out. This is because the system is waiting for a
response from the IP address of the local host to which ServerView
Operations Manager made the request, whereas the actual response
received by the trap comes from the real IP address of the server
specified in the SNMP master agent.