172 ServerView Event Manager
MIB integration
The tool starts up and the following window is displayed:
Figure 15: “MIB Manager” tool
To integrate private MIBs, proceed as follows:
Ê Select the relevant directory using the Browse... button.
Ê Select the MIB and then click the Upload button. The tool then checks the
MIB for correct syntax. In the next window a message shows the status.
Ê Click the Save parsed MIB button to integrate the MIB.
Ê In the next window, select Close to close the tool.
I After a third-party MIB has been integrated, the Java plug-in cache must
be cleared. Under Windows the ServerView Services must be restarted.
Under Linux it is sufficient just to restart the SVForwardServer with:
/etc/init.d/sv_fwdserver restart.
Viewing integrated MIB files
You can find out which MIBs are integrated in the Event Manager via the Alarm
Configuration window (in the MIB column of the Alarm Rules - Assign Alarms dialog
box) or via the Event Manager online help.
For a more detailed explanation of how to access the MIB overview window via
help, see section "Displaying trap information" on page 83.