● Conventions used in the text of the manual
The symbols used in the text of the manual have meanings as explained below:
Point indicates information necessary to run hardware or software.
Help indicates information explaining how to terminate an incorrect operation
or troubleshoot.
● Screen display examples
Screen displays provided in this manual are examples and may be different from those
(including file names) actually appearing on the display screen.
● Illustrations
Illustrations in this manual are an example using (mainly) the DESKPOWER 5000 (CD-ROM
drive-equipped model) and may be different from those actually appearing on your PC screen
depending on the model type and options installed.
● Custom-made options
Descriptions in this manual are based on the standard specifications.
Note that when custom-made options are installed, memory capacity, hard disk capacity, and
other specifications differ from the standard.
● Referencing products
In this manual, products are described using abbreviations as listed below:
Windows 95 refers to Microsoft
95 operating system.
Windows 98 refers to Microsoft
98 operating system.
Windows NT refers to Microsoft
Windows NT
Workstation operating system Version 4.0.
MS-DOS refers to Microsoft(R) MS-DOS(R) operating system Version 6.2/V.
ICU refers to ISA Configuration Utility.
The terms "your PC," "the PC," "your PC main unit," and "the PC main unit" refer to the
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