This section is for setting CPU Frequency/Voltage Control.
CMOS Setup Utility - Copyright(C) 1984-1999 Award Software
Frequency/Voltage Control
Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk Enabled
Spread Spectrum 0.50%(Cntr)
CPU Host/SDRAM Clock Default
CPU Clock Ratio Auto
Item Help
Menu Level >
• Auto Detect DIMM/PCI CLK
This item allows you to enable/disable auto detect DIMM/PCI Clock.
The settings are: Enabled, Disabled.
• CPU Clock/Spread Spectrum
This item allows you to set the CPU Clock/Spread Spectrum.
• Spread Spectrum
Set Spread Spectrum.
The settings are: Disabled, 0.50%(Cntr) and 0.75%(Cntr)
• CPU Host/SDRAM Clock
Set CPU Host Clock and SDRAM Clock.
The settings are: Default, 66/100MHz, 75/112MHz, 83/124MHz, 95/
95MHz, 100/100MHz, 117/117MHz, 124/124MHz, 133/133MHz, 133/
100MHz, 138/103MHz, 138/138MHz, 140/140MHz, 140/105MHz and
• CPU Clock Ratio
This item allows you to select the CPU ratio.
↑ ↓ → ←:Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-safe defaults F7:Optimized defaults
Figure 2-9: Frequency/Voltage Control Menu
She_Chp2_14-38 11/3/00, 11:0535