Coarse filter
Large ri tem s,s uch as p iec eso f bone or glass, t hatc ould clog thedra in aret rapped
in the coarse f ilter. To remove a nit emcau ght in this filter,gen tly squee ze the t abs
on t op of this filter and lift it out.
F or your c on ve nie nc e, we ha ve p la ced t he drain p ump a nd fil t er i ng s yst e m wit hi n e as y r e ach in si de t h e t ub.
Th er e are thr eec ompone ntso f the fil ter in g system: the main fi lter, the coar sefi lter, and the fine fil ter.
Fine filter
This filter holds foo dr esi due in t he sump ar ea pr eve nting itf rom bein g
redeposited onto the d ishe sdu ring a cycl e.
Food particles t rapped bythi sfi lter are broken d own by a special jet on
the low ers pray a rm and wa shed down the drain.
S tep Tur n the fil t e r a nd l i ft it up.
count erclockwise
Step L iftthe Mainfilterup:
Step Liftt he Finefilter up:
ProtectingAg ainst Frozen Pump Damage
1. Cut of f t he ele ctric al powe r t o the d ishwashe r.
2. Turn o ff th ewa ters upply and d isconnect the wa ter i nle t pipe fr omt hewater v alve.
3. Drai n the w ater f r om the i n let pipe and water valve. (Us e a pan to c a tch t h e water)
5.Remove thefilteratthebottom of thetubanduseaspongetosoak upwaterinthesump.
Cleaning the SprayArms
If your dishwa sherd oes not w orkb ecaus eof ice,
please contact prof ess iona l service perso ns.
I t is n ece s sar y to clea nthe spr ay arm s reg ul a rl y in order t o pr event
th e c logg ing of th e je t sa ndb e ari ngs from ha r d wat er che mic als.
To rem ov e the up pers pray arm ,tu rnt he nu tclo ckw ise and
removeth ea rm.
To r emove th elo wer spray ar m,pull it upw ard.
Washthearmsin soapywarmwaterandusea softbrushto
clean th ej et s.Re pl ace th emaf ter rinsing them tho rou ghly.
Please follo w steps 1 thro ugh 3 in order to remove the filter s ystem . In o rd er t o reinstal l,
please the steps in reverse or der.perform
Itis impo rtan tto protect your pum ps fr om frozen w ater dam ag e cau sed by the d ropo fin ter na lho me temp er ature .
Ifyour home temperaturegoes below 34 foralong periodoftime,youcan have icebuild inthelinesand around
the moto rs. Haveyou rplu mber f ollow th e belo wst eps if you w aterp ipes
fre eze.