ErrorAla rm
6 Dishwashing Programs
Depending on yourcleaning n eeds, youcanchoose
any o f t he 6 cy cl es t o bet t er c l ean
you rdishes .Choose fromHeavy, Normal, Eco,
St ainl ess St eelTub
The StainlessSteeltubof the dishwasheris made
ofto u gh and dura ble steel t hat i sre sist ant t o
Th is allo w s t h e s tar t o f t h e p r o gra m t o be dela y e d
24h . The Ti meDelay feature a llowsyou t opro gra m
the dish washer a tyo urconve nie nce, sav ingyo u
t i m e and money.
Themanufacturermaymakemodificationswithout giving
The FagorModel LFA-75IT has seve ralcharacteristics whic hseparateit from thecompetition.
TheseA re:
Error c odes on thedisplay w ill inf orm you of
Whent herinse ai ds inthe machineb egin tor un
low, an aler t on the pane l will b eclea rl yd ispl ayed
info rmi ngyou to ref ill them. This w ill ensure t he
uni t wil l ope ra te at o ptim um perf orma nce.
Time Delay feature