• the approximate remaining time of the run-
ning programme,
• activation/deactivation of the rinse aid dis-
penser ( ONLY with 'Multitab function ac-
• the end of a washing programme (the dig-
ital display shows a zero),
• the countdown for the delay start,
• fault codes concerning malfunction of the
• if the audible signals are activated/deacti-
Function buttons
The following functions can be set using
these buttons:
• setting the water softener level,
• cancelling a washing programme or a de-
lay start in progress,
• activation/deactivation of the Multitab
• activation/deactivation of the rinse aid dis-
penser when Multitab function is active,
• activation/deactivation of the audible sig-
Programme progress display
The programme progress display is divi-
ded in 5 LED lamps and shows:
1. When the appliance is switched on. Press
the On/Off button, all 5 LED lamps come
on with a blue light.
2. The progress of the washing programme.
Once the programme starts only the first
LED lamp is on. The other LED lamps will
come on gradually as the washing pro-
gramme runs. (The LED lamps come on
from left to right).
3. The end of the washing programme. All 5
LED lamps come on with a green light
4. A malfunction of the appliance. All 5 LED
lamps are flashing with a blue light.
Setting mode
Press the On/Off button.
The appliance is in setting mode if:
ALL programme button lights come on.
• Programme progress display is fully on
with a blue light.
Always remember that when performing
the following operations:
– selecting a washing programme,
– setting the water softener level,
– activating/deactivating the rinse aid,
– activating/deactivating the audible
the appliance MUST be in setting mode.
Press the On/Off button.
The last performed or selected programme
is still set if:
• Only one programme button light comes
• Programme progress display is partially
on with a blue light.
In this case, to return to setting mode, the
programme has to be cancelled.
To cancel a set programme or a
programme in progress
Simultaneously press and hold the 2 function
buttons B and C until all the programme but-
ton lights come on and the programme
progress display is fully on with a blue light.
The programme has been cancelled and the
machine is now in setting mode.
Audible signals
Audible signals have been introduced to help
indicate which operations the dishwasher is
– setting of the water softener,
– end of the washing programme,
– intervention of an alarm due to malfunction
of the machine.
Factory setting: audible signals activated
It is possible to deactivate the audible
Deactivation/activation of the audible
1. Press the On/Off button. The dishwasher
must be in setting mode.
2. Simultaneously press and hold function
buttons B and C until the lights of function
buttons A, B and C start flashing.
3. Press function button C, the lights of
function buttons A and B go off while the
light of function button C continues to
flash. The digital display shows the cur-
rent level.
Audible signals deactivated
electrolux 5