Dell Open Print Driver Version 1.9 43
Group policy for the Dell Open Print Driver can specify up to eight search networks. The network
address for the first search network is stored as value NW1; the subnet mask for that network is stored
as value SN1. Subsequent search networks are stored as values NW2/SN2, NW3/SN3, and so forth.
Discover Network Printers Only
By default, the Dell Open Print Driver will search for printers which are directly attached to the network,
printers that are shared using Windows File and Print Sharing, and network print queues that are
defined in Windows Active Directory. The system administrator can limit this search to printers that are
directly attached to the network by enabling the Network Printers Only policy.
Discovery Timeout
The Dell Open Print Driver discovery process will time out after a certain amount of time. By default this
value is 2000 milliseconds (i.e. two seconds). The system administrator may use this policy to shorten or
lengthen this timeout value.
Servers to Search During Discovery
By default, the Dell Open Print Driver will search for supported devices that are directly attached to the
network, and for devices provided through any accessible print server or listed in Active Directory. The
system administrator can limit the search to a set of one or more specific print servers, or to one or
more specific Active Directory servers. To specify a print server, enter the server name in UNC form
with two leading backslashes (“\\servername”); to specify an Active Directory server, enter the server’s
fully-qualified domain name (“adserver.companyname.com”).
Printers shared by any of the listed print servers, and print queues published through any listed Active
Directory server, will be discovered. Specifying print servers and/or Active Directory servers does not
affect the discovery of network-attached printers; all printers directly attached to the network will
always be found.
SNMP Options
By default, the SNMP Community String is "public". The SNMP Community string represents a basic
form of SNMP security and can be configured for most network printers. In order for DellOPD printer
driver to discover printers that have a different community name than "public", the driver needs to
know what community string is configured in the printers.
Note: This feature is also available as a standalone registry file ‘community.reg’ available in ‘Dell Open
Print Driver’ .INF install package from http://www.dell.com
to define the SNMP community name.
It is recommended to run the community.reg and set the community name BEFORE manually
installing the ‘Dell Open Print Driver’ using an INF file.
Using ‘community.reg’ file to set community name:
1) Download the ‘Dell Open Print Driver Package’ zip file to your local hard drive.
2) Extract the compressed zip file to your local hard drive.
3) Find ‘community.reg’ in the extracted folder.
4) Right click on ‘community.reg’ and select ‘Edit’