User Information Per Blue Angel Mark Requirements of RAL-UZ171
Energy data
Information on the Device Dell C1765nf/C1765nfw Color Multifunction
Electric power
consumption of a
device depends both
on its characteristics
and on the way you
use it. Your device is
designed and pre-set
so that you can save
electricity costs. It
switches over to the
mode "ready" after the
last copy. From there,
the device can
immediately start
printing again if
required. If not required, the device switches over to electric power saving
modes in two steps after a certain time, which is called activation time. In
these modes, it consumes less power (watt). The device will take some more
time to print again from an electric power saving mode than from the mode
"ready". This delay is called return time, which is quite long for some devices.
The device Dell C1765nf/C1765nfw Color Multifunction Printer, however,
fulfills the strict Blue Angel requirements for the return time
(http://www.blauer-engel.de). It only takes 4 seconds, for example, to return
from Energy saving mode 1 to ready mode for printing. This is only a short
moment for you but will help you to save electricity and hence operating costs
if the device is pausing (hence, during no-load operation).
The device is so designed in such a way that switching it on and off up to
twice a day to the plug-in off mode will not cause damage.
You will find the single values of power consumption as well as of activation
and return time in the table below. The values stated are pre-set when the
device is delivered. The device meets the Blue Angel requirements with these
Power consumption and default times
of Dell C1765nf/C1765nfw Color Multifunction Printer
during time elapsed after last print
Ready mode (40W)
time (min.)
Energy saving mode 1 (10W)
Energy saving mode 2 (2W)
print mode
power consumption (W)
Time elapsed after last printing = idle mode [minutes]