Community Name
(Read only)
Specifies the community name to access (read only) data using up to 31 alphanumeric characters. The
original setting will remain valid if no input is made. Characters entered for the Community Name (Read
Only) in the previous settings will not be displayed on the screen. The default Read Community is public.
Re-enter Community
Name (Read only)
Enter the community name (read only) again to confirm.
Community Name
Specifies the community name to access (read and write) data using up to 31 alphanumeric characters. The
original setting will remain valid if no input is made. Characters entered for the Community Name
(Read/Write) in the previous settings will not be displayed on the screen. The default Read/Write
Community is private.
Enter the community name (read and write) again to confirm.
Scan To Network
To specify the client when scanning data.
Other Features
The Other Features tab includes Set Password and Reset Print Server pages.
Set Password
To set or change the password that is required to access the printer's setup parameters from the Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool.
Set the password of the operator panel from Panel Lock in the Printer Settings. This page can also be displayed by clicking Set Password in the left frame.
Reset Print Server
To initialize NVRAM (non-volatile RAM) for the network feature and reboot the printer. You can also initialize the printer's NVRAM from Reset Defaults in the
Printer Settings menu.
Specifies the community name used for trap up to 31 alphanumeric characters. The original settings will
remain valid if no input is made. Characters entered for the Community Name (Trap) in the previous
settings will not be displayed on the screen. The default Trap Community is " " (NULL).
Re-enter Community
Name (Trap)
Enter the community name (trap) again to confirm.
(IP) 1-4
Select the trap address type from Off and IPv4. Selecting Off clears the settings in Trap Address, Port
Number, and Notify, and does not notify trap occurrence. Selecting IPv4 allows you to enter Trap Address
in IPv4 format.
Specify the IP address in the nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:mmmmm format. Each section of "nnn" is a variable value
between 0 and 255. Note that values 127 and 224-254 are not valid for the first three-digits only. IP
socket mmmmm is a variable value between 0 and 65535.
Enter the SNMP trap destination port number.
Select the check box to notify trap occurrence.
Select the check box to notify Authenticate Error Trap.
Sets the connection timeout period from 1 to 60 seconds.
Sets whether or not to enable the FTP Passive mode.
Sets the connection timeout period from 1 to 60 seconds.
NOTE: To restore the password to the default (NULL), initialize the non-volatile memory (NVM).
Sets the password using up to 10 alphanumeric characters. The password will appear as asterisks (*) in the field when it
is entered.
Re-enter Administrator
Enter the password again to confirm.
Initialize NIC NVRAM Memory and restart
Click the Start button to initialize NVRAM. Network settings will revert to the factory default settings and reboot
the network capability.