Recycling Information
It is recommended that customers dispose of their used computer hardware, monitors, printers, and other peripherals in an environmentally sound manner.
Potential methods include reuse of parts or whole products and recycling of products, components, and/or materials.
For specific information on Dell's worldwide recycling programs, see
For customers in the United States, call 800-WWW-Dell (800-999-3355).
Dell™providesseveralonlineandtelephone-based support and service options. Availability varies by country and product, and some services may not be
1. Visit
2. Verify your country or region in the Choose A Country/Region drop-down menu at the bottom of the page.
3. Click Contact Us on the left side of the page.
4. Select the appropriate service or support link based on your need.
5. ChoosethemethodofcontactingDell™thatisconvenientforyou.
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NOTE: IfyoudonothaveanactiveInternetconnection,youcanfindcontactinformationonyourpurchaseinvoice,packingslip,bill,orinyourDell™