Index 215
memory (continued)
installing, 92
problems, 59
removing, 93
type supported, 90
error, 56
system, 70
Microsoft Windows label, 10
problems, 55
blank, 63
clone mode, 28
connect DVI, 22, 24
connect TV, 22
connect VGA, 22-24
connecting, 22
connecting two, 23-24
display settings, 28
dual monitors, 22
extended desktop mode, 28
hard to read, 64
problems, 63
connector, 17
problems, 60
connector, 17
Network Setup Wizard, 42
problems, 60
Network Setup Wizard, 42
operating system
media, 12, 82
reinstalling, 12
reinstalling Windows Vista, 78
reinstalling Windows XP, 78
optical drive, 123
problems, 54
overclocking, 49, 170
clearing, 174
jumper, 174
PC Restore, 80
performance, 49
phone numbers, 179
button, 14
connector, 16
hibernate mode, 45-47
light, 14
options, 45
options, schemes, 45
problems, 61
sleep mode, 47
standby mode, 44
power light, 65
conditions, 61
power options properties, 45
problems, 61
battery, 53
beep codes, 69
blue screen, 59
CD-RW drive, 54
computer crashes, 58-59
computer stops responding, 58
conflicts, 83
Dell Diagnostics, 72
diagnostic lights, 66
drives, 53
e-mail, 55
error messages, 56
general, 58
hard drive, 54
IEEE 1394, 57
Internet, 55
keyboard, 57
memory, 59
modem, 55
monitor hard to read, 64
monitor is blank, 63
mouse, 60
network, 60
optical drive, 54
power, 61
power light conditions, 61
printer, 61
program crashes, 58
program stops responding, 58
restore to previous state, 78
scanner, 62
screen hard to read, 64
screen is blank, 63
software, 58-59
sound and speakers, 63
video and monitor, 63
volume adjusting, 63