7-2 Dell OptiPlex GX1/GX1p Managed PC and OptiPlex NX1 Net PC Systems Service Manual
Before you perform any of the procedures in this chapter, take a few moments
to read the following warning for your personal safety and to prevent damage
to the system from ESD.
1. Turn off the computer and any attached peripherals.
2. Disconnect the computer and any attached peripherals from their
power sources to reduce the potential for personal injury. Also, dis-
connect any telephone or telecommunication lines from the
3. Wait 5 seconds after powering down the computer before
disconnecting a peripheral from the computer or removing a compo-
nent from the computer’s system board to avoid possible damage to
the system board.
Figure 7-1 shows an internal view of the interior of the OptiPlex NX1 computer
and identifies major components for orientation. Refer to this illustration, as
needed, when performing the component removal/replacement procedures in
this chapter.