version 1.0 4
rEMotE ManagEMEnt, sMart
sEcurity, anD custoMizED
DEpLoyMEnts hELp siMpLify
your opErations
aDvancED rEMotE ManagEMEnt: New capabilities that allow IT to have greater control
• Your choice of exible options — from ASF 2.0 to Intel AMT 3.0, and even full Intel vPro processor technology
• Standards-based management (DASH 1.0 and WS-MAN) help ensure simplicity and interoperability
• Dell Client Manager brings it all together in one management console
powEr EfficiEncy: Productivity and power savings in a proven, reliable design
• Dell’s Energy Smart is a unique approach to energy efcient computing which includes hardware and software, tool,
and partnerships.
• Energy Smart hardware and software includes Intel
2 Duo processors, efcient management power settings and
remote power policy management, available 80+ power supplies and ENERGY STAR
4.0 congurations
• Dell’s online Energy Calculator indicates potential savings of up to 78% by choosing the most efcient congurations
• Dell is working alongside industry leaders and standards organizations worldwide to help drive revolutionary change
sMart sEcurity: Strategic, comprehensive endpoint solutions for all types of businesses
• Intel vPro technology helps simplify asset inventory, isolation of virus-infected PCs, security patch deployment and more
• RAID 1 support helps keep data intact and accessible via real-time redundancy
• Built-in TPM 1.2 helps protect the network from unauthorized access, while enabling multi-factor authentication via
optional Smart Card Reader and/or ngerprint reader
DELL DEpLoyMEnt sErvicEs: Image management, customization and deployment made easy
• Specic provisioning and pre-congured setting options for iAMT and Intel vPro technology customers
• ImageDirect allows you to create, manage and load your custom images to Dell client systems
• Microsoft
Windows Vista
Assessment and Migration options help streamline and optimize your deployment processes