Link integrity light (on integrated network adapter)
green light for 10-Mb operation and orange light for
100-Mb operation
Activity light (on integrated network adapter)
four lights on the front panel (see Diagnostic Lights)
AUX_PWR on the system board
NOTE: Heat dissipation is calculated based upon the
power supply rating.
90 to 135 V at 60 Hz; 180 to 264 V at 50 Hz
3-V CR2032 lithium coin cell
20% to 80% (noncondensing)
5 to 350 Hz at 0.0002 G
5 to 500 Hz at 0.001 to 0.01 G
40 G +/- 5% with pulse duration of 2 msec +/- 10%
(equivalent to 51 cm/sec [20 in/sec])
105 G +/- 5% with pulse duration of 2 msec +/- 10%
(equivalent to 127 cm/sec [50 in/sec])
–15.2 to 3048 m (–50 to 10,000 ft)
–15.2 to 10,668 m (–50 to 35,000 ft)