Appendix Service manual WP-795
- 43 -
2-9-2-2-2 TV set stand-by mode operations
-On stand-by mode, I501 microcontroller pin 63 (power) is set to low.
- So, Q809 collector is set to high.
-Then, I810 controlled rectifier gate pin is set to high and I810 is conducting.
- So, current flows from pin 16 SMPS transformer to the ground via I804 photo coupler and Q810 and
Q811 transistors (which are conducting).
- In these conditions, I801 delivers pulses on light mode and T801 produces voltages with reduced power.
- As I810 is conducting, current flows also from pin 16 SMPS transformer to I823 (3.3V regulator) for
com, IR receiver and front mask buttons supply voltage (then, remote control or front mask
buttons can be activated to leave stand-by mode).