Reference Guide ix
Writer: Holly Jahangiri, Writer; Alyce Klingler-Castle, EFC Saved by: Alyce Klingler-Castle Saved date: 06/10/97 2:22 PM
Pages: 2 Words: 327 Template: d:\95office\templates\commpref.dot
File Name: Preface Part Number: 278019-002
Reference Guide
includes general information about your
computer, troubleshooting and diagnostics information, and
technical specifications.
Symbols and
The following format conventions distinguish elements of the
text throughout this guide:
Computer models featuring the Intel Pentium processor with
MMX technology will be referred to as Pentium systems.
Computer models featuring the Intel Pentium II processor
will be referred to as Pentium II systems.
When keys must be pressed at the same time, the action is
represented by the key names and the plus (+) symbol. For
example, Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
The names of files are presented in uppercase italic type as
shown here:
The names of commands, folders, or directories are
presented in uppercase type as shown here: COMMAND or
DIRECTORY. Commands that are to be entered at the
system prompt are shown on a separate line.
When you are asked to type something without pressing the
Enter key, you are directed to “type” the information.
When you need to type information and press the Enter key,
you will be directed to “enter” the information.
When you need to make a selection with a mouse, you will
be directed to “select” or “click” the information.