Reference Guide E-3
Writer: Holly Jahangiri Saved By: Holly Jahangiri Saved Date: 07/03/97 10:09 AM
Pages: 6 Words: 649 Template: d:\95office\templates\commapp.dot
File Name Appe.doc Part Number 278019-002
The following table shows the SW2 DIP switch settings used for
the 233 MHz Pentium II processor and the settings needed when
replacing the standard processor with a Pentium II processor
running at 266 MHz or 300 MHz:
Setting Processor Speed (Switch SW2)
S1 S2 S3 S4
66/233 ON ON OFF OFF
66/266 ON OFF ON ON
66/300 ON OFF ON OFF
Location of the SW2 DIP Switches on the Pentium II System Board
Refer to the label inside the computer for more detailed setting