1-6 Computer at a Glance
Writer: Holly Jahangiri Saved by: Alyce Klingler-Castle Saved date: 06/26/97 12:09 PM
Pages: 18 Words: 2860 Template: c:\msoffice\templates\comm.dot
File Name Ch1.doc Part Number 278019-002
Minitower Front Panel Components
Minitower Front Panel Components
Ref. Component Function
1 Power Switch Turns the computer on and off.
2 Power-On Light Turns on when the computer is turned on.
3 Hard Drive Activity Light Turns on when the hard drive is reading information from the
disk or storing information on the disk.
4 Diskette Drive Activity Light Turns on when the diskette drive is reading information from
the disk or storing information on the disk.
5 CD-ROM Headphone Jack Connects a headphone to the CD-ROM drive.
6 CD-ROM Headphone
Volume Control
Increases and decreases the CD-ROM headphone volume.
7 CD-ROM Drive Activity Light Turns on when the CD-ROM drive is reading information from
the compact disc.