Lock Menu
Enter Password You are required to enter the 4-digit password to access the Lock menu.
The initial password is 0000.
Change Password To change the password, input the old password - - > input the new
password - - >verify again.
Please remember the password since the players’s reset function would
not revert the password.
System Lock Set the system lock funtion on/off.
Set the lock function on to access the parental control setup.
US Setup the US parental control.
TV(TV Rating) - Y, Y7, G, PG, 14, MA.
Press the direction buttons to move between options, press OK to set
block. To release, press OK again.
MPAA(Movie Rating) - PG-13, R, NC-17, X, N/A, G, PG)
Press the left/right direction button to set the movie rating.
Canada Setup the canada parental control
Canada English - G, PG, 14+, 18+, E, C, C8+.
Canada French - E, G, 8ans+, 13ans+, 16ans+, 18ans+.
RRT Setting Set the rating region table.
Reset RRT Restore RRT to the default.
Channel Menu
Air/Cable Setup the antenna type as Air or Cable.
Auto Scan Search channels automatically.
Press the right direction button to start searching, press MENU to stop.
When use Cable system, you need to select the cable system before start auto
scan. The available options - AUTO, STD, IRC HRC .
Favorite Make the favorite channels collection. Press the right direction button to access
the Favorite List.
Press the up/down direction button to select the desired channel.
Press OK to set it as the favorite channel. To release, press OK again.
Press the left/right button to turn pages in the FAV list.
Show/Hide Hide the unwanted channels. Press the right direction button to access the
Show/Hide List
Press the up/down direciton button to select the channel, press OK to hide the
channel, press OK again to release.
Press the left/right button to turn pages in the Show/Hide list.
Channel No Press the left/right direction button to select the channel.
Channel Label Edit the channel label.
1. Select “Channel No”, press the left/right direction button to select
the channel.
2. Select “Channel Label”, press the right direction button to show the edit menu.
In the menu, press the left/right direction button to move left/right,
Press the up/down direction button to select.
DTV Signal Display the DTV signal intensity.
TV Function
TV Function