System Log
108 Cisco Small Business RV320/RV325 Administration Guide
Configure email Notification
To configure E-mail notification, check Enable and complete the following:
• Mail Server—Name or IP address of the mail server.
• Authentication—Mail server login authentication type.
- None—Without any authentication.
- Login Plain—Authentication in plaintext format.
- TLS—Authentication protocol of the secure connection (for example,
Gmail uses TLS authentication option on port 587).
- SSL—Authentication protocol of the secure connection (for example,
Gmail uses SSL authentication option on port 465).
• SMTP Port—Simple Mail Transfer Protocol port number.
• Username—email user name. For example:
Mail Server : smtp.gmail.com
Authentication : SSL
Username : xxxxx@gmail.com
Password : yyyyyy
• Password—email password.
• Send Email to 1 and (optionally) 2—Email address. For example, Send
email to: zzz@company.com.
• Log Queue Length—Number of log entries to be made before notification
is sent. For example, 10 entries.
• Log Time Threshold—Time between log notifications. For example, 10
• Real Time Alert—Event that triggers an immediate notification.
• Email Alert when block/filter contents accessed—Alert email is sent
when access is attempted by a device that is blocked or filtered.
• Email Alert for hacker attack—Alert email sent when access is attempted
by a hacker attempting to use a denial-of-service (DOS) attack.
To email the log immediately, click Email Log Now.