By pressing the button on the handset your
BT Diverse 6210 gives you easy access to a range of
pre-stored BT Calling Features.
These are:
n BT Dir. Enquiries.
n Call Divert On.
n Call Divert Off.
n Check Divert.
n Call Waiting On.
n Call Waiting Off.
n Check Call Wait.
n BT Helpdesk.
BT Directory Enquiries
1. Press then
Call Divert On
Divert all incoming calls to another number of your choice.
1. Press then scroll
Call Divert On
press .
2. Follow the spoken instructions.
The BT Calling Features works in
exactly the same way as the main
name and number directory and
can store up to 10 entries.
If you prefer, you can delete the
pre-stored entries and replace
them with your own numbers.
New stored numbers are added
to the end of the list.
You can re-instate the original
pre-stored numbers by resetting
the handset.
BT Calling Features
If you experience any problems, please call the Helpline on
0800 218 2182* or email
[email protected]Call Diversion services may allow
other divert options. Check with
your network provider for details.
For further information, see the
BT Calling Features User Guide
supplied when you subscribe to the
services of your choice.
9283 BT Diverse 6210 UG Iss.3 [1] 19/2/09 15:24 Page 32