4. Turn the rnse ad amount
adjuster manually to a poston
between 1 and 6 (4). If there are
stans on tableware tems after
washng, level must be ncreased
and f there s a blue trace after
wpng them by hand, t must be
decreased. Ths s set to poston 4
as factory default.
Items not sutable for washng n
the dshwasher
• Never wash dshes soled by
cgarette ash, candle remnants,
polsh, dyestu, chemcals, etc. n
your dshwasher.
• Do not wash ron alloy tems
n the dshwasher. It can get
corroded or leave stans on other
• Do not wash slverware and
cutlery wth wooden or bone
stems, glued peces, or peces
that are not resstant to heat,
as well as copper and tn-plated
contaners n the dshwasher.
C Decoratve prnts of chnaware as
well as alumnum and slver tems
may get dscoloured or tarnshed
after washng n the dshwasher
just as t happens n handwashng
Rnse ad
C The rnse ad used n dshwashers
s a specal combnaton used to
ncrease dryng effcency and
prevent water or lmescale stans
on the washed tems. For ths
reason, care must be pad to have
rnse ad n the rnse ad reservor
and to use rnse ads produced
specally for dshwashers only.
Check Rnse Ad Indcator to
determne whether t s necessary
to add rnse ad or not 3 (depends
on the model). Havng a dark lght
on the ndcator shows that there
s sucent amount of rnse ad n
the dspenser. If the colour of the
ndcator s lght, add rnse ad.
1. Open the ld of the rnse ad
reservor by pressng ts latch (B).
2. Fll the reservor untl “MAX” level.
3. Close the ld of the reservor by
pressng on t lghtly.
C Wpe clean any splled rnse ad
outsde the reservor. Rnse ad
that splled accdentally wll cause
foamng and t wll eventually
decrease washng performance.