3. Advanced Functions
WN-350R User’s Manual 130
Here are descriptions of every setup items:
Enable MAC Check this box to enable MAC address based
Filtering (1): filtering, and please select ‘Deny’ or ‘Allow’ to decide
the behavior of MAC filtering table. If you select deny, all
MAC addresses listed in filtering table will be denied
from connecting to the network; if you select allow, only
MAC addresses listed in filtering table will be able to
connect to the network, and rejecting all other network
Client PC Please input the MAC address of computer or network
MAC address (2): device here, dash ( - ) or colon ( : ) are not required. (i.e.
If the MAC address label of your wireless device
indicates ‘aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff’ or ‘aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff’, just
input ‘aabbccddeeff’
Computer Name (3): Pull down the menu and all the computers connected to
the router will be listed here. You can easily to select the
computer name without checking the IP address of the