9. Frequent Asked Questions
115 AirLive Traveler 3G User’s Manual
an our compu r directly
d. Check PPP
e. Call your Internet service provide and check if there’s something wrong
RL/Keyword filter.
g. Try to reset the router and try again later.
Question: Ro ser
AC or IP address filter? Try to connect the router by
de and this happens, contact your dealer of
============ =============
d check if you can get connected to Internet with y
ached to the device provided by your Internet service provider
oE / L2TP / PPTP user ID and password again.
with their service.
f. If you just can’t connect to one or more website, but you can still use
other internet services, please check U
h. Reset the device provided by your Internet service provider too.
i. Try to use IP address instead of hostname. If you can use IP address to
communicate with a remote server, but can’t use hostname, please check
DNS setting.
uter is not responding to me when I want to access it by web brow
a. Please check the connection of power cord and network cable of this
router. All cords and cables should be correctly and firmly inserted to the
b. If all LEDs on this router are off, please check the status of A/C power
adapter, and make sure it’s correctly powered.
c. You must use the same IP address section which router uses.
. Are you using Md
another computer and see if it works; if not, please restore your router to
factory default settings (pressing “reset” button for over 10 seconds).
e. Set your computer to obtain an IP address automatically (DHCP), and
see if your computer can get an IP address.
f. If you did a firmware upgra
purchase for help.
g. If all above solutions don’t work, contact the dealer of purchase for help.