7R glows with lower brightness (Light Function
Dim). If you at this second turn do not switch
briefly but keep the switch button pressed
you can change the brightness infinitely. For
the time that the switch button is pressed, the
brightness varies between full and reduced
brightness. At both ends of the SEO 7R goes off
shortly, and then again to be lighter or darker(a
blinking signal happened at both ends). When
you release the switch button you lock the
current brightness. This brightness is retained
for the Light Function Dim even if you turn the
head lamp off.
After the Light Function Dim (altogether
3 times fast switching) comes the Light
Function „Automatic Dim“. A sensor detects
the brightness of the environment and can
adjust the brightness of the SEO 7R. If this
Light Function is activated, the brightness is
reduced if you e.g. illuminate objects at close
range. This reduces the risk of glare and
makes working e.g. at a desk easier. But if you
illuminate distant objects or the environment
turns darker, the brightness of the head lamp
is increased.
The last Light Function that can be used in
the Light Program White is the Light Function
Signal (slow even flashing). If the SEO 7R is
off, you get to it by switching the switch button
4 times while you do not wait longer than 2
seconds between each switching.
Additional switching turns SEO 7R off and
the circle starts again with the Light Function
Power when you press the switch button again.
So the Light Functions are in a loop. But please
note that you turn off the head lamp by every
switching if since the previous switching more
than 2 seconds have elapsed. For example in
case you let pass more than 2 seconds after
you turned the Light Function „Automatic Dim“
on the next switching will not change to head
lamp to Light Function Dim but will turn the
SEO 7R off.
5.2 Light Program „Red Night Vision“
If the Lighting Program „Red Night Vision“ is
enabled (see Point 5), you can use the red light
of the head lamp.
When the switch button is pressed, when the
SEO 7R is off, the head lamp glows in the Light
Function Power at full brightness in red. When
you switch a second time within 2 seconds, the
SEO 7R blinks in the Light Function Signal (slow
even flashing).
The Light Function Signal is the last Light
Function that can be used in the Light Program
“Red Night Vision” so additional switching
turns SEO 7R off and the circle starts again
with the Light Function Power when you press
the switch button again.
So the Light Functions are in a loop. But please
note that you turn off the head lamp by every
switching if since the previous switching more
than 2 seconds have elapsed. For example in
case you let pass more than 2 seconds after
you turned the Light Function Power on the
next switching will not change to head lamp to
Light Function Signal but will turn the SEO 7R
6. Energy Modes
By selecting one of the two Energy Modes
a decision on how the energy contained in the
accumulator respectively in the batteries is
1. Energy Saving: The light output is controlled
by the integrated Smart Light Technology
(SLT). The brightness is matched to the real
conditions that occur during normal use of the
lamp, thus providing a longer burn time.
2. Constant Current: This Energy Mode allows
the continuous use of all the Light Functions
with a more or less constant light output. This
Energy Mode is to be preferred when a high
brightness level is more important than a long
burn time.
Changing of the Energy Modes
For changing the Energy Modes, one of the
Light Functions in the Light Program White
has to be activated, e.g. Light Function Signal
(SEO 7R flashes slowly and evenly). Then you
switch the switch button and keep it pressed
for approx. 2 seconds. The SEO 7R turns off
and turns on after a short moment. Then the
head lamp turns off suddenly or the brightness
fades to zero.
In case the brightness reduces gradually
to zero, the SEO 7R is in the Energy Mode
Energy Saving. But if the brightness of the
SEO 7R remains constant for a moment to
then suddenly drop to zero, the head lamp
is thereafter in the Energy Mode Constant
With this procedure, you can switch between
the two Energy Modes. It is not possible to
determine in which Energy Mode the SEO 7R
is. To find this out, you must carry out the
procedure. If the SEO 7R is thereafter not in
the desired Energy Mode any more, you must
repeat the procedure again.
7. „Transport Lock“
Under Point 5 it has been described how to
switch between the white and the red LED.
This takes place when the SEO 7R is off and
the switch button is pressed only for approx.
2 seconds. The head lamp will change from
red to white or from white to red. But when the
switch is pressed longer (approx. 5 seconds)
until the light turns off you have enabled the
„Transport Lock“. Then the SEO 7R can not be
turned on again but the red LED flashes for a
short moment to indicated that this function is
activated in case the switch button is pressed.
The SEO 7R therefore cannot be switched
on, either intentionally or unintentionally and
inadvertently consume energy.
Only when you hold the switch button pressed
for 5 seconds again this function („Transport
Lock“) is deactivated again and the lamp is in
the Light Program White.
8. Reset function
If the Accumulator-Pack, the alkaline batteries
or NiMH-Accumulator are taken out the battery
box you have "reset" the SEO 7R. You have thus
reset a few functions:
- The „Transport Lock“ (see Point 7) is
- The Light Function Dim (see Point 5.1) is set
to low brightness
- As Energy Mode Energy Saving is actived (see
Point 6).