Remote Configuration
before an event happens.
Post-event Time: Specify the duration after the event
is cleared.
Schedule Table
Actual recording mode is determined by Schedule
Table, where recording mode configured by day (of a
week) and hour.
Each of recording mode configures the recording
operation as follows:
Record off : No recording
Continuous : Records continuously
Disconnect: Recording is started when the system
loses the connection to its last client. When there are
multiple clients and one of the client is disconnected,
this doesn’t happen.
Event Type: Records when an event configured in
Event Type setting happens.
Checking status of recording
Recording status can be checked on the main view
Search and Playback
Recorded video and audio data can be saved as AVI
format in the disk. In general, one AVI file is created
for an event in case of event-based recording.
However, it is possible that recorded data by serious
of events happening continuously can be merged to a
single AVI file depending on pre/post event time
setting. The size of file is limited 10~200MB and 10
Minutes. Continuous recording makes continuous AVI
files, and each files are limited 10~200MB and 10
Actual recording A file currently being recorded
doesn’t appear until it is completed. In case of
Continuous recording, a file will be shown after 10
minutes from the start of recording, if a file size is set
to generate every 10 minutes.
Press Search Page button on the Record setup page.
Dates with recording data will be shown as follows.
First, choose the date for search and the list of AVI
files will be shown.
The file name shows the date and time: “Date Begin
Time End Time.avi”.
Press Root to move back to the page with date list.
Selecting an AVI file will show a dialog for opening
or saving the file.
Pressing Save button, the file will be stored in the PC.
The AVI file can be played with Windows Media Player.
If you press Open in the dialog, the file will be
downloaded and played automatically with Media
Another connection through web is disabled during