Open Engi ne Bonnet ..................................65
Remote Control System with Anti-Theft
Function ( ) ...............................................66
Door Lock & Unloc k ................................ 66
Alarm ..................................................... 66
Remote Controller Battery Replacement ...... 67
Electronic Anti-theft System ...................... 67
Seat & Safety Protection ...........................68
Seat ........................................................ 68
Correct Sitting Posture .............................. 68
Adjustment of Front Seats .......................... 68
Adjustment of Middle Seats ....................... 69
Adjustment of Rear Seats .......................... 69
Headrest .................................................. 69
Adjusting method of headrest: ....................... 69
Removing and assembling method of headrest:
........................................................................... 70
Folding of Middle Seats ............................ 70
Folding of Rear Seats ................................ 70
Reposition of rear seats ................................... 70
Luggage Conveyance ................................ 71
Seat Safety Belt ..........................................71
Seat Safety Belt Alarm Lamp ..................... 71
Fastening Seat Safety Belt ......................... 72
Midd le 2-Point Safety Belt for Middle Seats 72
Maintenance of Seat Safety Belt ................. 72
Check seat safety belt ...................................... 72
Air Bag ( ) ................................................ 73
Front Air Bag ........................................... 73
Air Bag Alarm Lamp ................................ 74
Child Safety Seat ........................................ 74
Chapter 5 Emergency Procedures .... 77
Hazard Warning Flasher lamp ................. 78
Electronic Control Unit Support System
. 78
Duly Refuel ................................................. 78
Replace Bulbs ............................................. 79
Headlamp Unit (Including High Beam / Low
Beam / Position / Turn Indicator Lamps) ..... 79
Taillight Bulb ........................................... 80
High-Mounted Braking Lamp Bulb ............ 80
License Plate Lamp Bulb ........................... 80
Interior Front Ceiling Lamp Bu lb ............... 80
Luggage Boot Lamp Bulb ......................... 81
Regulate the Beam of Headlamp ................ 81
Fuse & Relay .............................................. 81
Fuse ........................................................ 81
Cartridge Fuse ......................................... 82