Instructions for Use
PCT FlexVest is a carbon-free, phosphate-bonded investment
material for precision alloy castings. PCT FlexVest can be used
with a conventional burnout technique or a rapid burnout
– Precious alloys
– Non-precious alloys
– Investing with a metal investment ring
– Ringless investment
– Pressed ceramics (e.g. IPS Empress)
Working procedures
Wax pattern
Fabricate wax patterns for crown and bridge frameworks.
Resin pattern
Coat patterns made of modelling resin with a thin layer of wax.
Attach sprues of an appropriate dimension to the bridge
framework, using a direct or indirect method. (See Instructions
for Use)
Investing with a metal investment ring
Apply one layer of PCT Flex Vest Liner if metal investment rings
of sizes 1 and 3 are used and two layers if ring sizes 6 and 9 or
a non-precious alloy is used.
Slightly wet PCT FlexVest Liner. Absorb excess water by pressing
a piece of dry liner onto the wet material. Line the metal
investment ring with damp liner. Allow the liner endings to
overlap by approx. 0.5 cm. Next, press the liner into place. Make
sure that PCT FlexVest Liner is flush with the upper rim of the
metal investment ring. Carefully position the metal investment
ring lined with the PCT FlexVest Liner on the base former.
Note: Any wax surface tension releasing agent needs to be
completely dried off. Contact of the investment material with
surfactant may lead to incomplete setting and, consequently, to
uneven investment surfaces.
Processing procedure
Only use distilled water to modify the concentration of PCT
FlexVest Liquid/Liquid H.E. It is advisable to use a dosing syringe
to take the desired amount of liquid out of the container.
Note: No not use mixing liquid if it is crystallized.
The higher the concentration of PCT FlexVest Liquid/Liquid H.E.
is, the higher is the expansion rate of the investment material.
Concentration of mixing liquids
Alloys Ceramic Alloys C&B/BioUniversal
PCT FlexVest Destilled PCT FlexVest Destilled
Liquid water Liquid water
High Gold and
reduced gold Alloys
60–80% 40–20% 50–60% 50–40%
Pd Base Alloys 70–80% 30–20% 70–80% 30–20%
Non precious Alloys
(Co Cr / Ni Cr)
80–100% 20–0% 80–100% 20–0%
Mixing ratio
60 g powder 13 ml mixture PCT FlexVest Liquid/Liquid H.E. //
distilled water
90 g powder 20 ml mixture PCT FlexVest Liquid/Liquid H.E. //
distilled water
160 g powder 35 ml mixture PCT FlexVest Liquid/Liquid H.E. //
distilled water
Note: The mixing ratios described above represent
recommendations. Adjustments may be required for various
alloys and casting techniques.
Prior to blending the mixture, rinse a clean mixing bowl with
water. Place the premeasured PCT FlexVest Liquid/Liquid H.E. in
the mixing bowl. Add the preweighed powder to the liquid. Stir
the two components with a spatula to form a homogeneous
mixture. Place the mixing bowl in a vacuum device. Set the
vacuum value. After the set vacuum has been reached, mix for
90 seconds. After completing the mixing procedure, maintain the
vacuum for an additional 15 seconds and then flood the mixing
bowl manually.
Note: Mixing bowls that are not completely clean or severely
scratched can absorb up to 2 ml of mixing liquid. Extended
mixing times will result in smoother casting surfaces, similar to
gypsum-bonded investment materials for C&B casting alloys.
Investing Pour PCT FlexVest into the investment ring at a slow
and steady rate, using slight viration. Stop virating the
investment ring as soon as it has been completely filled.
Do not touch the investment.
Note: It is advisable to pour the most intricate and least
accessible parts of the pattern first to prevent air from being
Working time
The working time is 5 minutes at a room temperature of
23 °C (73 °F).
Note: The powder and liquid should always be stored in a cool,
dry place. Reseal the container of the mixing liquid immediately
after use. The powder and mixing liquid should have the same
temperature when in use (ideally between 17 and 22 °C (63 to
72 °F).
Note: If the working temperature is > 24 °C (> 75 °F), the
setting expansion will increase considerably, while low working
temperatures of < 16 °C (< 61 °F ) result in a reduction in the
setting expansion.