94 Rockwell Automation Publication 193-UM012B-EN-P - June 2011
Appendix B
The following instance attributes are implemented for all parameter attributes:
Table 47 - Ethernet Link Object Instance Attributes
Attribute ID Access Rule Name Data Type Value
1 Get Interface Speed UDINT 10 or 100
2 Get Interface Flags DWORD
3 Get Physical Address ARRAY of 6 USINTs MAC Address
4 Get Interface Counters Structure of:
In Octets UDINT N/A
In Ucast Packets UDINT N/A
In NUcast Packets UDINT N/A
In Discards UDINT N/A
In Errors UDINT N/A
In Unknown Protos UDINT N/A
Out Octets UDINT N/A
Out Ucast Packets UDINT N/A
Out NUcast Packets UDINT N/A
Out Discards UDINT N/A
Out Errors UDINT N/A
5 Get Media Counters Structure of:
Alignment Errors UDINT N/A
Single Collisions UDINT N/A
Multiple Collisions UDINT N/A
SQE Test Errors UDINT 0
Deferred Transmission UDINT N/A
Late Collisions UDINT N/A
Excessive Collisions UDINT N/A
MAC Transmit Errors UDINT N/A
Carrier Sense Errors UDINT N/A
Frame Too Long UDINT N/A
MAC Receive Errors UDINT N/A
6 Get/Set Interface Control Structure of:
Control Bits WORD N/A
Forces Interface Speed UINT N/A