Main filter- Food and soil particles are trapped by this filter and
pulverised by a special jet on the lower spray arm.
This debris is then washed down the drain.
Coarse filter- Larger items such as pieces of bone or glass, which
could clog the drain, are trapped in this filter.
Fine filter- This filter holds soil and food residue in the sump
area and prevents it from being redeposited on the
dishes during a wash cycle.
IMPORTANT: Whilst the filtering system is efficient, your
dishwasher is not a waste disposal unit. All items being
washed inside of the dishwasher should have food scraps
removed from them before being loaded into the appliance.
Cleaning the filters
For best performance and results, the entire filter assembly should be
thoroughly cleaned regularly (ideally after each wash cycle).
1. Turn the coarse filter
anti-clockwise and then
lift it upwards. Rinse out
this section under a tap
to remove any food
debris that remains in it.
2. Pull out the main filter
and rinse this under the
tap to remove any food
debris that is trapped in
3. Pull out the fine filter and
rinse this under the tap
to remove any food
debris that is trapped in
4. Place the fine filter back in its original position.