S90 XS/S70 XS Owner’s Manual
Display Messages
LCD Indication Description
All data is initialized upon power-on.
Confirms whether you want to turn on the “Power on auto factory set switch” parameter or not.
Are you sure?
Confirms whether you want to execute a specified operation or not.
Assign Vocoder Voice to Part 1.
Confirms whether you want to select a Vocoder Voice via the Category Search display when setting
the Output Select of the A/D Input part to “Vocoder” when Part 1 is not a Vocoder Voice in the
Performance/Multi mode.
Assign Vocoder Voice. Continue?
Confirms whether you want to select a Vocoder Voice via the Category Search display when setting
the Output Select of the A/D Input part to “Vocoder” when the Voice is not a Vocoder Voice in the Voice
Audio Rec stopped due to lack of memory
This message appears when memory space has run out and audio recording has been stopped.
Bad disk or memory.
The external storage device connected to this synthesizer is unusable. Format the external storage
device and try again.
Bulk data protected.
Bulk Data cannot be received because of the setting in the Utility mode.
Can't execute.
The synthesizer cannot execute because of the settings or situations.
Click off.
The Click (metronome) has been turned off.
Click on.
The Click (metronome) has been turned on.
The specified load, save, format, or other Job has been completed.
Connecting to USB device...
Recognizing the USB storage device connected to the USB TO DEVICE terminal.
Copied Arpeggio type.
Copied Arpeggio type.
Device number is off.
Bulk data cannot be transmitted/received since the device number is off.
Device number mismatch.
Bulk data cannot be transmitted/received since the device numbers don’t match.
Directory is not empty.
You have attempted to delete a folder that contains data.
Disk or memory is full.
The external storage device is full and no more data can be saved. Use a new external storage
device, or make space by erasing unwanted data from the storage device.
Disk or memory is write-protected.
The external storage device is write protected, or you have attempted to write to a read-only medium
such as CD-ROM.
Disk or memory read/write error.
An error occurred while reading or writing to/from an external storage device.
Executing the processing.
Executing… ****.wav
This message appears when creating a audio file via Audio Record function.
“***” is the name of the file.
Please keep power on.
This message appears when processing with writing to the internal memory. Please keep power on
while this message is shown.
File already exists.
A file having the same name as the one you are about to save already exists.
File is not found.
The specified file was not found on the external storage device during a load operation.
File path is too long.
The file or directory you tried to access cannot be accessed because the amount of characters
indicating the path is too long.
Illegal bulk data.
An error occurred while receiving the Bulk data or Bulk Request message.
Illegal file name.
The specified file name is invalid. Try entering a different name.
Illegal file.
The file specified for loading is unusable by this synthesizer or cannot be loaded in the current mode.
This message appears when learning a parameter to the Knob/Slider in the Remote mode.
Load All Arpeggios. Are you sure?
Confirms whether you want to load the “All Arpeggio” or not in the File mode.
Load All Performances. Are you sure?
Confirms whether you want to load the “All Performances” or not in the File mode.
Load All Voices. Are you sure?
Confirms whether you want to load the “All Voices” or not in the File mode.
Load All without system. Are you sure?
Confirms whether you want to load the “All without system” or not in the File mode.