S90 XS/S70 XS Owner’s Manual
Controls and Functions
! Knob Function buttons
Pressing these buttons change the functions assigned to the
four Knobs. The lamp next to the currently active parameters will
light. In the Voice mode, the function of each Knob is applied to
the current Voice; in the Performance/Multi mode, the function of
each Knob is applied only to the currently selected Part (or to all
Parts depending on the setting).
Controlling the Knobs of the “EFFECT” function will always affect
the sound of all Parts. Controlling the Knobs of the “MIC”
function will work independently.
@ Knobs
These four highly versatile Knobs let you adjust various aspects
or parameters of the current Voice. Use the Knob Function
buttons to change the parameter set for the Knobs.
# Arpeggio/Effect Function button
Pressing this button changes the functions assigned to the five
Function buttons. You can select one of two different functions:
selecting the Arpeggio from 1 – 5 and turning each effect on/off.
$ [DAW REMOTE] button
The Remote mode lets you control sequencer software on your
computer from the panel controls of the instrument. Turn the
[DAW REMOTE] button on to enter the Remote mode.
% Function buttons
In the Remote mode, “Top,” “Repeat On/Off,” “Stop,” “Play” and
“Record” are assigned to each of these buttons.
In other modes, the functions specified via the Arpeggio/Effect
Function button are assigned to these buttons.
^ ASSIGNABLE FUNCTION [1]/[2] buttons
You can call up a specific Element of the selected Voice by
pressing each of these buttons during your keyboard
performance. In addition, you can assign other functions to
these buttons.
& OCTAVE [-]/[+] buttons
Use these buttons to change the note range of the keyboard. To
restore the normal octave setting, press both buttons
Use these buttons to raise or lower the pitch of the note by one
semitone. To restore the normal octave setting, press both
buttons simultaneously.
( LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
The backlit LCD displays the parameters and values related to
the currently selected operation or mode.
A [SHIFT] button
Pressing this button along with another button enables you to
execute various commands. The main functions are as follows.
All the functions are listed in the Data List (PDF file).
B Data dial
For editing the currently selected parameter. To increase the
value, turn the dial right (clockwise); to decrease the value, turn
the dial left (counter-clockwise). If a parameter with a wide value
range is selected, you can change the value in broader strokes
by quickly turning the dial.
C [INC] button
For increasing the value of the currently selected parameter.
D [DEC] button
For decreasing the value of the currently selected parameter.
[SHIFT] + Functions
AUDIO REC/PLAY Move to Rec Standby display in the Audio Rec/
Play mode
VOICE Bulk dump the edited Voice
PERFORM Bulk dump the edited Performance
MULTI/SEQ PLAY Bulk dump the edited Multi
ENTER Tap tempo for the Arpeggio
INC/DEC, Data dial Change the program number ±10.
Change the selected parameter ±10 on Edit
Cursor [L]/[R] Select the display mode in the LCD
Knobs 1 – 4 Change the parameter value continuously
FAVORITE Add/remove the current Voice/Performance/
Multi to/from the favorite category
PANEL LOCK Move to Utility Panel Lock display