February 2011
NAMM news 1: MOTIF XF iPad applications
A new OS update for the MOTIF XF offers wireless MIDI connectivity with Yamaha’s new iPad appli-
cations. After connecting a compatible Wi-Fi USB adapter, you can send and receive MIDI messages
between the XF and the iPad.
There are 4 new Yamaha iPad applications which expand the features of MOTIF XF including Keyboard Arp & Drum
Pad, Faders & XY Pad, Multi Editor Essential and Voice Editor Essential which make it easy to play, tweak, mix and
edit your MOTIF XF wirelessly from an Apple iPad.
Keyboard Arp & Drum Pad
Keyboard Arp & Drum Pad is
an application that transmits
notes to the Yamaha MOTIF
XF via a Wi-Fi connection. You
can play the built-in keyboard,
trigger arps and play drum pads
allowing complete wireless
performances. You can set the
Keyboard Arp and Drum Pad to different channels so you can play drum beats and pad chords along with the sequence
phrases run by the arpeggiator.
Faders & XY Pad
The Faders & XY Pad MIDI Control application controls MOTIF XF’s sounds by sending MIDI CC messages from